Cocoa neighborhood uses new surveillance cameras to fight crime

COCOA, Fla. — Surveillance video could be the best clue police have to solve a shooting in a Cocoa neighborhood.

And cameras like those are part of a community push by residents who want to work with officers to clean up their streets.

Last month, Broadmoor neighborhood residents joined forces with police with a plan to install surveillance cameras.

On Sunday night, the cameras captured what appears to be a dispute that led to a shooting.

It’s the kind of criminal activity Lawrence Sinclair had in mind when he and 70 of his neighbors met with city leaders to propose a public-private partnership to fill the community with cameras.

Some of the cameras were installed last month.

Homeowners are offering police 24-hour live access to the video via smartphones and tablets.

Police support the effort, but the city is still looking at legal issues involved before officers view the live feed.

In the meantime, Cocoa police Chief Mike Cantaloupe told residents to install the rest of the cameras on their properties, which have been donated by the company Night Owl.

“Chances are, if there is something that happens, especially at one of those residences or in the nearby surrounding area, we may at least get some video of a car going through the neighborhood,” said Cantaloupe.

Police are investing the shooting.

Sinclair said while he realizes identifying people in the video may not be possible, he wishes the rest of the cameras had been installed earlier.

Homeowners hope to have 48 cameras up and running in the neighborhood by Christmas and 176 cameras by March.

source: wftv

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