Tech Companies are Offering Election Help

With Election Day here, the world is on the edge of their seats waiting for the final word on who the new President of the United States is going to be. Thankfully, a few tech giants are here to help keep everyone up to date.

Google, Twitter and Facebook have all released services to help with the voting process as well information on voting results. The services include locations of where you can vote and some companies like Uber and Zipcar are offering free rides or rentals to go vote.

This has certainly been an interesting election filled with fierceness, strong opposition, and overwhelming tension between the two Presidential Candidates. These companies and leaders including President Obama are making an effort to get as many voters casting a ballot as possible.

So, if you’re looking for help or up-to-date results, check out Google, Twitter, or Facebook for all kinds of great information!


Source: Collins, Terry. “Tech giants offer up last-minute Election Day Help.” Web Blog Post. Cnet. 7 November 2016. Web.

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